
Tantalizing Tales#49

Tantalizing Tales#49 You're afraid of love, afraid that once it consumes you, you won't be able to turn away from it. Yes, one cannot love with the same intensity once the heart's broken. But you'll crave love, maybe not like an addict but sometimes you'll feel alone. And sometimes, love will drizzle on your windows; the leftover lust from the night before.


They were almost on the verge of completing six months of living together coupled with being in a relationship and on one such fateful night, she was en-route to her mother’s place when halfway through her journey she realized, she’d forgotten an important gift she purchased for her mother weeks ago. On reaching the apartment where they both resided, she found it was locked from the inside. Margaret called an umpteen number of times before her knock took the form of banging, suddenly the door swung open and there ‘her Ben’ stood, stark naked with a particular dominatrix at his feet begging for mercy. Clad in the symbolic latex, she was badly bleeding from her nose and mouth, terrified of the suddenness of events. Margaret gasped putting her right hand on her mouth and looked at Ben, ‘her Ben’.


Today is a big day. The big day. The three astronauts embark on a journey to the past, to study human evolution first hand. They board their time traveling ship aptly called “vaso de tempo” which literally translates to the vessel of time. The red button clicks and almost instantaneously a temporal field engulfs the vessel.

Picture Prompt#4

The Mona Lisa Frown She was welcomed with open arms, Her eyes glistened as she daydreamt Looking ethereal in her wedding dress. But love was nascent, As all good things are. Ephemeral- Akin to her virginity, On her first day with him. He did her like there was no tomorrow. She was surprised, and blushed … Continue reading Picture Prompt#4