Restraining Anxiety and Importance of Mental Health during Isolation

“What mental health needs is more sunlight, more candor, and more unashamed conversation.”

Glenn Close

Setting the premise

Setting the premise

As the situation around us worsens progressively every day, something that needs to be talked about but isn’t given enough importance is mental health. The psychological impacts of quarantine on the brain can be significant.

The disorientating fact about mental health during a global pandemic is the fact that there are multiple dimensions to it. As more and more existing employees are furloughed and terminated and new employee offers rescinded, this induces extreme pressure and stress on the minds of those affected.


The state of lockdown triggers emotions of claustrophobia and induces a sense of desperation that arises from a need to move out of closed quarters. All this combined with the fear of contracting the virus itself bogs down on the mind deep enough to start causing problems.

Millennials and Mental Health

Millennials are one of the worst affected by the virus and studies show that millennial women are more prone to stress and anxiety. Some of the key contributors to this are financial independence, worries about parents and loneliness. It is ironic that in today’s technically advanced world with so many social networking websites available at the touch of a button, millennials are more friendless than ever.


Coping with the situation at hand

For the last three years, I have been diagnosed with misophonia, a sound sensitivity disorder that had taken root within me causing anxiety and mild depression. Here are a few things that I at Digital Dribble, have personally been able to benefit from-

  • Guided Meditation- One of the best ways of combating anxiety, stress, and other mental issues is guided meditation. I have been personally using Headspace, a guided meditation application, and it has helped me tremendously to overcome my issues related to anxiety and misophonia.
  • Brahmi and Ashwagandha tablets/powder- Both of these help in relaxing the nerves of our body, thereby providing a soothing effect in addition to improving concentration, maintaining proper sleep, and also improving memory. A detailed account can be found in one of my Quora answers, here.
  • A healthy diet- As cliche as it may sound, a healthy diet can work wonders for the mind. In addition to eating, cooking healthy meals can also be relaxing as studies show that cooking your food has mental health benefits!
  • Daily freehand exercise- The effects of exercising daily cannot be underestimated. Exercise, even in closed-off surroundings, helps keep the brain fresh and active.

Furthermore, maintaining a daily routine by breaking up tasks into subparts can help a lot. It is crucial to focus on the positive aspects of life right now and to limit the amount and kind of media you consume to prevent an anxiety attack or stress. If you do find yourself struggling, you can combat loneliness by staying connected to your loved ones.

Stuck at home with a partner? Read how an exercise partner can improve your results!



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